The12vdashboard is a vehicle lookup tool designed for the 12v industry for sales professionals. This easy to use lookup tool saves time and takes the guess work out of recommendations for your clients. Items are sorted by type of upgrade and brand. This makes it very efficient to find the parts required for the requested upgrade to the vehicle.

We encourage you to start a free 7 day trial and use it at the beginning of each and every sale. Once you use The12vdashboard for a week we are confident you will see the power of the collective knowledge in our database and ease of use.

Meet The Team

Our diverse team is ready and willing to help you get started!

Swati VartakOwner & Director of operations

Debashish GhoshSoftware Development Director

Lisa HampsonOwner & Treasurer

Brian HampsonSoftware Development, Sales, Data Entry

David HampsonSales, Data Entry, Social Media Director, Creative Department